REST is an architectural style that used to write a web
service in a certain way. It is based on web-standards and the HTTP protocol. This style was defined by Roy
Fielding in 2000.
In REST architecture the main concept is the Resource which can be uniquely identified by an Uniform Resource Identifier or URI. Every resource supports the HTTP operations.
In this post I'm going to describe how to implement a RESTfull web service which I am going to create as a standalone service with an embedded Jetty server. So you do not need to deploy it in a web container.
This is a simple web service to store and retrieve music track details.
Here is the pom.xml file which contains the relevant dependencies. You can see how the embedded Jetty server is configured through the maven-jetty-plugin and the port being set to 9090.
This web service accepts requests in JSON format and responds with the same format.
Here is the data model
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: manorama
* Date: 12/4/14
* Time: 10:24 PM
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public class Track {
String title;
String singer;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public String getSinger() {
return singer;
public void setSinger(String singer) {
this.singer = singer;
public String toString() {
return "Track [title=" + title + ", singer=" + singer + "]";
Now I will describe you how to implement the RESTfull web service for this. Here is the web service implementation class.
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: manorama
* Date: 12/4/14
* Time: 10:23 PM
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public class JSONService {
public Track getTrackInJSON() {
// Here you can modify this code to get a random track from the available music tracks
Track track = new Track();
track.setTitle("Enter Sandman");
return track;
public Response createTrackInJSON(Track track) {
String result = "Track saved : " + track;
return Response.status(201).entity(result).build();
To map the incoming requests, we configure the web.xml (webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
When looking at the web service implementation java code, you can see the GET requests with the pattern /randomtracks come to the getTrackInJSON() method. It will respond with a Track object in json format. Note the @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) annotation.
The POST requests comes with the pattern /tracks will create a new Track object and responds with the HTTP 201 OK.The Track object should be in the json format. Note the @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) annotation
This will map the POJO class to json. Thus the posted json string will be converted into “Track” object automatically.
To deploy this you will need several libraries to be included in the webapp/WEB-INF/lib folder
Since this is a standalone service you do not need to deploy it in a web container. Simply run, $ mvn jetty:run
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